Striim Announces “Pre-Time” Data Integration and Streaming Analytics
After years of development, Striim is extremely excited to announce the alpha release of our new ICC, or “Inverse Chronology Converter,” for pre-time data integration and analytics. Striim has heard over-and-over from our customers how our real-time sub-millisecond latency for data stream processing and analytics still wasn’t fast enough. What customers really want is to have access to data BEFORE it is even created.
Although much of the science of time manipulation is speculative, Striim pursued every avenue to find an appropriate solution that could be used by our customers to see their data as it would be in the future.
Breakthrough Pre-Time Data Technology
The breakthrough was realizing that, while normal micro black holes will simply swallow everything on a path to the center of the earth, spinning charged micro black holes can be contained by a magnetic field, and their affects can be applied to data streams. Data, encoded as photons, can orbit such black holes in tight loops known as “Alfri Loops” (named after the mysterious Professor James Alfri) that move the photons in time, not space.
The system consists of a spinning charged micro black hole housed in a vacuum chamber, contained by a magnetic field. A photon beam is directed at the black hole, and is guided into closed time-like paths by the intense gravitational field. The micro-black hole is so small that the gravitational effects are localized to inside the containment sphere. However, photons can get close enough to be affected.
The paths taken by the photons send them backwards in time, so they are detected before they are created. The frequency of the photons can be adjusted, which determines how many loops they make around the black hole, and how far into the past the photons are sent.
The device is constructed from a contemporary unibody aluminum shell, housing the vacuum chamber and all controls, in an elegant modern design. Convenient USB-C ports provide power, inputs and outputs, and control of the future window size. The input data is converted to a photon stream, sent into the past and emerges from the output port up to ten minutes earlier, giving the overall effect of seeing data in the future.
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